Learn To Sail Vacations
Upcoming Trips
Browse the available cruising routes and click “Learn more” to read about the trip and sign up to join!
Got other ideas?
If you have a specific trip or timeframe in mind, why not contact us and let us know what you’re thinking — we’re happy to come up with an itinerary just for you.
We also accomodate private 1-on-1 coaching.

Plan a Custom Itinerary
Here’s just some of the quality learning you can expect on your trip…
Continue Learning with Learn To Sail Mexico and NauticEd!
Start sailing with your free NauticEd eLogBook!
For our learners on a Learn To Sail Vacation, before you sail we encourage you to sign up with NauticEd (free!) so that you can gain access to your eLogBook. Your eLogBook is proof of your “hours at sea”. Should you choose to pursue formal training in the future, your eLogBook is used like a resume to gain positions as competent crew on private boats or charter boats, or to even charter your own boat as a Skipper!
Become a NauticEd student – earn Certifications & Verified Competencies!
We hope your Learn to Sail Vacation will get you excited about continuing your sailing education. As you start accummulating “hours at sea” and completing your formal theoretical training through NauticEd, you can earn internationally recognized Certifications. And when you complete your practical on-the-water assessements with us, we can digitally stamp your certificates with Verifed Competence!

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